Wednesday, February 10, 2010

three posts per year?

nope! this is number 4!
I'm off to work at my one of two resto jobs, the one where the boss wants what he wants, and what that is, is, um...loud music, youth vibes, good service, make money, coolness, videos projected (cool ones), and relevancy. He wants to serve the best food but doesn't take pleasure in eating it, wants designer things but can't sit down and appreciate them, references literature and theory but never elaborates, likes the idea of culture but won't go anywhere. Typical toronto mentality, is what I say. And it all somehow makes sense.
The bottom line is that I want to embody all of those things for him, make him proud, but at the end of the day, I'm just a waitress, trying to make a buck so I don't have to sit in an office all day, and so I can do this elusive thing I talk about sometimes, and that is "make art".
Wish me luck!

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